120 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Metode Pembelajaran Siswa Mempunyai Pertanyaan Dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Menulis Berita Oleh Siswa Kelas X SMA Prayatna Medan Tahun Pembelajaran 2012/2013

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    The research was motivated by the persistence of students who have difficulties in writing a news story, include difficulty putting the elements of news, keruntutan exposure, use short sentences and clear, kemenarikkan titles, as well as the correct use of spelling in the news that are customized by EYD (spelling in polishing) ukan. The difficulty arises due to lack of student interest and no innovation in the learning process. This indicates that the learning news writing achievement indicators do not meet the learning objectives. Therefore, the researchers tested the method intended to question student have in learning to write news. The method used in this study is quasi-experimental method with the one group pretest-posttest single group design performed on members of the population, namely the class X High School Private Prayatna field with the sample X1 grade 30 students as a class experiment. In this research, the experimental class were given the news writing skills test before and after using this method have student question. The results of the calculation of variance test group studied sample count obtained F = 1.50 and F table = 1.68. Price Fhitung 2.04 at the 5% significance level and the calculation of nil hypothesis testing (H0) is rejected and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. This proves that the method of student question have a positive influence high school students of class X Prayatna Field Learning Year 2012/2013

    Bentuk dan Fungsi Sapaan Bahasa Prancis dalam Novel Poil De Carotte Karya Jules Renard

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan: 1) bentuk-bentuk sapaan dalam novel Poil de Carotte karya Jules Renard dan 2) fungsi kata-kata sapaan dalam novel tersebut. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah semua kata, frasa, kalimat, dan ungkapan-ungkapan yang mengandung sapaan yang ada di dalam novel Poil de Carotte karya Jules Renard. Pengumpulan data menggunakan metode observasi. Analisis data menggunakan metode distribusional. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) bentuk sapaan yang ditemukan dalam novel Poil de Carotte karya Jules Renard berkategori: nomina: (a) nomina nama diri (nama depan, nama belakang, dan nama panggilan), (b) nomina umum (nom propre), pronomina, ajektiva, dan kombinasi, dan (2) fungsi sapaan dalam novel Poil de Carotte dapat diklasi ikasikan menjadi 2, yaitu sebagai tanda masih adanya hubungan (fungsi fatik), dan sebagai alat pengontrol interaksi, ditandai dengan adanya interaksi antartokoh dalam melakukan tindak tutur untuk menyuruh, menolak, mengungkapkan perasaan, menegaskan, meminta kesediaan/meminta tolong/meminta sesuatu, menjawab, memohon, menyanggupi, merajuk, merayu, menyindir, meyakinkan, mengejek, dan mengkriti

    Peranan Sektor Publik Lokal dalam Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Regional di Wilayah Surakarta (1987-2000)

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    This paper's aim is to explain the role of the local public sectors in regional economic growth in Ex-Residency of Surakarta. The question we ask in this paper is whether local taxes and local expenditures affect regional economic growth in Ex Residency of Surakarta. This question is very important in two respect. First, It would be especially interesting to know whether local government taxes and/or expenditures have had an impact on regional economic growth. An alternative view argues againts any such impact. Second, as local autonomy will soon be granted, local government need to understand the mechanism by which local taxes and expenditures affect the regional economy.The major finding in this paper area as follows. The role of local government in regional economic growth has been very significant. Local taxes and local revenues have a significant negative effect on local regional economic growth, while local government investment have a significant positive effect on regional economic growth. On the other hand, Local government consumption and labor force have no significant effect on regional economic growth. One of the crusial policy implication of this paper is that we must enhance the role of local government, local autonomy having been recently introduced. More specifically, the central government should transfer more revenue sources to its lower level local government through. For example, revenue sharing of national taxes

    Investment Decision in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Indonesia*

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    The purpose of this study are: First, to analyze is there any significant influence among debt ratio, internal capital, cash flow, inflation expectations and the expectations of rupiah exchange rate against the decisions of businessmen in the real sector to invest or not to invest; Second, to analyze the impact of the variables perception mortgage interest rates, perceptions of bank regulation, internal capital and cash flow on debt ratio of the real sector (leverage). Investment decision model is estimated using logit models. The results of regression estimates the overall good for business and risk analysis for financial risk shows that almost all explanatory variables in the equation are statistically significant. There are three variables have a positive influence on the investment decisions taken by the businesses i.e. the debt ratio, cash flow and exchange rate expectations

    Sistem Pemantauan Suhu Demam Berdarah secara Otomatis dan Realtime Berbasis Labview 7.1

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    Body's temperature of dengue fever patient in hospital were monitored to draw its development phase where believes obeys the so-called saddle back pattern. It is therefore the aim of this study to build a monitoring system of body's temperature of dengue fever patient atomatically and in a realtime manner. The built system uses an IC LM35 as a main temperature sensor equipped by a voltage regulator, a DAQ interface unit and package program of LabVIEW 7.1 as an operational system basis as well as a visual display unit. After sets of body's temperature measurements we found a transfer function as V = 0.01θ − 0.05. This transfer function were then used as main input to acquire the calibration function where to be found as θ = 79.69 V − 7.81 and considered as the sensor characteristic. Later, such calibration function being inputed into formula XI box within LabVIEW 7.1 component diagram blocks which runs the whole monitoring system. Monitored body's temperature was nicely plotted graphically onto panel front of LabVIEW7.1 and to be set well-operated within range 30 to 40oC. Respond stability of such sensor to be found as 99.8% at the temperature measurement of 35.1oC

    Analisis Manajemen Koperasi dalam Meningkatkan Shu (Sisa Hasil Usaha) (Kasus Koperasi Mitra Sejati Pangkalan Kuras)

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    This research was conducted at the Cooperative Mitra Sejati of Pangkalan Kuras to analyze and determine how the application of cooperative management at Mitra Sejatis Cooperative.This research is descriptive quantitative study , the data collected in the study was obtained and separated by type, further processed and analyzed and presented in the form of frequency tables and given an explanation as appropriate. The population in this study consisted of administrators, regulatory bodies and members of the cooperative with a sampling technique using simple random sampling method. The data used are primary and secondary data, primary data is data obtained either directly from the respondent administrators, supervisors and members of the cooperative are associated with cooperative management, while secondary data are already available in the form of a brief history of the cooperative, cooperative structure and cooperative activity.From the analysis that has been done, it is known that the management of the cooperative in the form of planning, organizing, directing, coordinating and controlling conducted by the cooperative Mitra Sejati of Panggkalan Kuras In good conditions category, it is because of what has been implemented by the cooperatives are in accordance with the expectations of the board and members of cooperatives.Keywords: Cooperative Management, Planning, Organizing, Coordination, Controllin

    Pembuatan Formulasi Krim Anti Nyamuk Dari Fraksi Minyak Sereh

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    Minyak sereh dan fraksinya merupakan minyak atsiri yang mempunyai banyak kegunaan, diantaranya sebagai repellent atau pengusir nyamuk yang merupakan vektor berbagai penyakit seperti demam berdarah dengue (DBD). Saat ini formula pengusir nyamuk menggunakan bahan kimia DEET (n,n-diethyl-m-toluamide) yang mempunyai efek samping terhadap kulit manusia, karena itu minyak sereh ini merupakan alternatif bahan aktif pengusir nyamuk yang perlu dikembangkan. Telah dilakukan penelitian pembuatan formulasi krim anti nyamuk dengan menggunakan fraksi minyak sereh dalam bentuk sediaan krim. Formulasi krim dibuat dengan variabel konsentrasi bahan aktif fraksi sereh dari 0,1%; 0,2%; 0,3%; 0,4%; 0,6% dan penambahan bahan pewangi serta penambahan NaOH dan KOH. Selanjutnya dilakukan analisis sifat fisiko kimia meliputi pH, kestabilan dan homogenitas krim serta pengujian efektifitas dari formulasi krim terhadap gigitan nyamuk dan uji iritasi terhadap kulit. Formula yang dihasilkan berwarna putih, mempunyai bau/wangi segar yang khas, rasa hangat pada kulit, pH normal sekitar 7, kestabilan baik dan homogen. Uji efektivitas terhadap populasi nyamuk Aedes aegypti di laboratorium menunjukkan bahwa Formulasi VI dengan konsentrasi bahan aktif 0,6% memberikan hasil yang terbaik dalam perlindungan terhadap gigitan nyamuk sampai lebih 6 jam, diikuti dengan Formulasi III (0,2% bahan aktif) dengan perlindungan sampai 5 jam, Formulasi IV (0,3% bahan aktif) dan formulasi V (0,4% bahan aktif) dengan perlindungan sampai 4 jam, dan Formulasi I (0,1% bahan aktif) yang memberikan perlindungan hanya sampai 3 jam. Akan tetapi secara ekonomi Formula III merupakan yang terbaik yaitu dengan konsentrasi bahan aktif 0,2 %berat atau 0,09% citronellal juga sudah dapat memberikan perlindungan terhadap gigitan nyamuk sampai 5 jam hingga 6 jam. Sedangkan Formulasi VII dengan penambahan bahan pelembab/pewangi jojoba dan Formulasi II dengan penambahan NaOH dan KOH untuk memperbaiki penampilan sediaan krim tidak memberikan hasil yang baik dalam perlindungan terhadap gigitan nyamuk

    Strategi Regulasi Emosi Kognitif Dan Pola Asuh Orangtua Pada Anak Yang Menjalani Kemoterapi

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    Penelitian sebelumnya telah melihat kaitan antara regulasi emosi pada anak yang sehat dengan pola asuh orangtuanya, namun belum jelas gambaran tentang regulasi emosi pada anak yang sakit kronis dan pola asuh yang diterimanya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat gambaran strategi regulasi emosi kognitif yang digunakan oleh anak berusia 9–11 tahun dengan kanker yang menjalani kemoterapi dan perbedaan individunya yang terdiri dari pola asuh yang didapat dari orangtuanya serta jenis kelamin anak.Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif. Teknik sampling menggunakan accidental samplingdan didapatkan sampel sebanyak 42 orang (21 anak dan 21 orangtua). Instrumen menggunakan CERQ-k (Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire-kids) dan PAQ-R (Parental Authority Questionnaire-revised). Analisis data menggunakan skor mean. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa strategi regulasi emosi yang sering digunakan oleh anak adalah planning, rumination, dan putting into perspective. Perbandingan jenis kelamin sampel berimbang. Kemudian pola asuh orangtua yang sering dilakukan menunjukkan secara berturut-turut adalah tipe autoritatif, autoritarian, dan permisif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa regulasi emosi yang dilakukan oleh anak dengan kanker yang melakukan kemoterapi cukup adaptif, sedangkan pola asuh orangtua yang diberikan masih kurang efektif.Kata kunci: Anak, kanker, pola asuh, regulasi emosi The previous study was inquired the correlation between emotion regulations in healthy children and the parenting process. On the other hand, the emotion regulations in children with chronic diseases were little known. The aim of this quantitative descriptive study was to understand the strategic regulation of cognitive emotion that was used by children aged 9-11 years with chemotherapy, and to explore the individual parenting process based on genders. Samples were chosen using the accidental sampling technique. The samples were 21 children and 21 parents. Data were collected using Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire for kids (CERQ-k) and Parental Authority Questionnaire-revised (PAQ-R). Mean score were conducted to analyses data. Results showed that ‘planning\u27 was the most strategic used by children, followed by ‘rumination\u27 and ‘putting into perspective\u27. The result also described that the number of samples was balance in sex. Parents used authoritative, authoritarian, and permissive approaches in parenting. In conclusion, the emotion regulation of children with chemotherapy was adaptive and the parenting approach was ineffective
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